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The Salty Story

Sarah from Salty Vibes

Hey! Im Sarah Armstrong, founder of Salty Vibes Co. I am passionate about mental health and wellbeing, an advocate for holistic health and an avid believer in the mind body connection. I have bred three humans over the past 15 years and been married to my artist husband since 2007.

Unfortunately society has formed a ridiculous glorification of being busy, many of us aren’t acknowledging how we are feeling authentically or worse, we are not honouring those feelings.

The constant doing, inability to live in the moment, fear and uncertainty of the future and the endless cycle of shit to-do has us operating at unsustainably high levels of stress and our mind, body and spirits are suffering as a result.

Despite the wellness industry being in serious growth as people make an effort to bring a little bit of self care in their lives, often self care is seen as indulgent and filled with guilt making it hard for the average person to buy in.

It is my belief that humans need to find ways to acknowledge and process shit days so we can move onto the next day without it taking its toll on our mind and body long term but to do that we have to be able to create permission to say we’ve had a shit day.

As a consequence i created Salty Vibes as a real, raw, honest and authentic snapshot of life with an intention to bring some lightheartedness and fun to a serious problem and help create permission for people to take time out. Personally i love baths, and given they are incredibly nourishing for your body, mind and soul it felt like the perfect solution.

Want to know more about me and how this crazy brand came to life read on below……..

In April 2020 i quit my lucrative consultancy gig to “find meaning” in my existence. After years of frustration working in senior positions in the corporate sector and doing things out of alignment with my soul, like many, Covid made me rethink my existence. I guess you could say i jumped off the hamster wheel, although into what??? I had NFI.

In the preceding months, I tried a psychology degree - nope. A bowen therapy course - nope. A pranic healing course - nope. The gift of time meant however i could do a heap of work on healing myself. I worked with a shaman to heal some inner child stuff, connect with myself spiritually and build in some regular practices with meditation, grounding, energy work and yoga making regular features in my life.

I eventually found my jam early 2021 in holistic counselling, however i will be the first to admit, it is super fucking hard to maintain dedication to yourself and to change preconditioned behaviours and ideas, let alone resist the allure be pulled back into the lucrative nature of corporate when the lifestyle creep you have amassed smacks you upside the head.

Almost 12 months to the day that i gave up my consultancy contract, our bank account was at negative $423.34 (blasted car payment) and i was having a “what have i done” kind of day. Feeling completely overwhelmed, full of anxiety and uncertain about when the next time we would be paid, I did a meditation, asked the universe to help me with my finances, took a midday bath and the Salty Vibes concept came to me.

Luckily for me starting businesses are my mad skill so after a couple of rebrands a few different container and label options In May 2021 the Salty Vibes Co brands where born for the world to see.

It is my hope that this lighthearted product can bring a smile to your face, give you permission to say you’re not ok and give you power in knowing you’re not alone.

YOU fucking rock!

Sarah x 

Picture of my bank account on that fateful day